I typically keep my phone's volume on full because my notifications never wake me up, only the next morning is when I see what all I've missed. The only time I turn it on vibrate is when I'm at work or the movies. Hell, my YouTube notification chime isn't all that shrill and my phone is usually close to me when I doze off. So when I say that the notification for Meet The Grahams woke me up from a dead sleep and my phone was on the nightstand for once, trust me when I say that this track is evil.
And, at the time, I didn't even know how much demon energy was in it, either. I got excited because, I mean, any New Kendrick is worth celebrating, so my heart rate was already pumping as I barreled downstairs to get my headphones. But, as Kendrick's frighteningly calm tone purred out "Dear, Adonis," on top of a sample of wailing cries and ascending, repetitive piano, I was fucking AWAKE. By the time it got to the ghostly choir of layered vocals shouting "YOU LIED," I was actually holding my breath despite how many times I uttered "Jesus" and "what the fuck?". And, again, this debuted in the middle of the night. Like, did I actually hear this song or do I have sleep paralysis?? The balled energy of my excitement converted to anxiety and disgust so I didn't go back to bed for another couple of hours. This is truly a stomach-turning, lip-curling, eye-watering, creepy fucking track that felt, as hyperbolic as this sounds, illegal to listen to (which...was not far off considering Drake has recently taken Kenny to court).

Meet The Grahams is as harrowing as tracks like u, FEAR. and Mother I Sober because it's one thing to be vulnerable and condemning of yourself but it's another to point out someone else's flaws and vulnerabilities publicly and against their will. And even if the allegations he spews are all bullshit, that doesn't matter: he says it with such palpable venom and imposing nerve that I believe he believes it. The work itself isn't diminished simply because it's still a song, after all, and Kendrick is a stellar performer.

So it's not like I didn't think K-Dot was capable of a track like this, it's just that he's never projected this kind of despair to anyone but himself. When Humble came out there was speculation that he was dissing this rapper, dissing that rapper, but everyone's theory was wrong because Kendrick was dissing himself. He's always been more introspective and has made so much music about how to love and forgive, not just others but one's self, so color me shocked that he brought us to a place where he taught us how to properly fucking HATE someone. Dismantling Drake with existential disrespect isn't even a braggadocios power move, it comes from a place of angry, demented pity. He even positions himself as the one person who could help Drake while pushing the blade in as deep as it can go as he tells him that he'll never be a better opponent to Drake than Drake is to himself.
All of that is intense enough but to write letters to his parents and his children, saying he thinks Drake should die in prison, is unbelievable and nothing short of astonishing.
That's why this is the best piece of media I experienced last year and undeniably one of the best songs ever written. It outshines every movie and show from last year because none of them have stuck with me like this has.